Great Wilbraham Litter Pick

Image of a person's lower body holding a litter picker and plastic bag, littered grass in the background and the legs of a second person.Next Sunday 24th March
10am start outside the Social Club

Let’s not be outdone by Little Wilbraham who did a great job this weekend, or Six Mile Bottom who are picking up litter next Saturday!



Wilbrahams’ Environment Group (WEG) will lead a clean-up of Great Wilbraham next Sunday morning, 24 March. Grabbers, bags, bag rings and reflective jackets provided but if you have your own equipment (particularly gloves) do bring it.Yellow vest, gloves, litter picker, plastic bag and bag ring


Simple refreshments provided. If you are thinking of coming along, please let us know so that we can plan – or ring 07594 601205