Well-brahams Mental Health and Well-being Group
We are a small group of people with different experiences and qualifications in respect of mental welfare and ill-health, set up primarily to provide information and help for those in and around the Wilbrahams.
If you are feeling anxious or worried, please do contact one of us – for a chat if nothing else!
Please also see our website where there are links to helpful resources and information:
Joy Bray | 01223 880415 | joy.bray@talktalk.net |
Alison Hargreaves | 07941 871536 | alisonhargreaves@btinternet.com |
Tony Goryn | 07751 281341 | tonygoryn@icloud.com |
Julia A’Court | 07789 512428 | jacourt@btopenworld.com |
Helen Clarke | 07815 105092 | helen@summerhouse-paintings.co.uk |
Sally Ramus | 01223 881050 | sallyramus@btinternet.com |
Hilary Burton | 07710 787917 | hb384@cam.ac.uk |
Dave Chapman | 07981 976905 | dave_c24@talk21.com |
Rowena Pilsworth | 07981 976905 | rowenavpilsworth@gmail.com |
Karen Hinkins | 01223 880177 | karenhinkins@btinternet.com |