Great Wilbraham Finance

The income of the Parish Council is derived primarily from a precept, though additional income is received from cemetery and allotment fees and rents. Unlike County and District Councils, Parish and Town Councils receive no money from central government, nor do we receive anything from the National Non Domestic Rates (the business rates levied on shops and business premises). 


2023/2024 Annual Return – The Annual Return for 2023/24 can be downloaded below:





2022/23 Annual Return – The Annual Return for 2022/23 can be downloaded below:

GWPC_Conclusion of Audit_22-23

GWPC Making Provision for the excerise of public rights 2022-23


2021/22 Annual Return – The Annual Return for 2021/22 can be downloaded below.

GWPC Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021-2022

GWPC Making provision for the excercise of public rights 2021-2022

GWPC  Completion of Audit Form 2021-2022

2020/21 Annual Return – The Annual Return for 2020/21 can be downloaded below.

GWPC Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020-2021

GWPC Making provision for the excercise of public rights 2020-2021

2019/20 Annual Return – The Annual Return for 2019/20 can be downloaded below.

GWPC Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019-2020

GWPC Making provision for the excercise of public rights 2019-2020

2018/19 Annual Return – The Annual Return for 2018/19 can be downloaded below.

GWPC Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018-2019

GWPC Making provision for the excercise of public rights 2018-2019

2017/18 Annual Return – The Annual Return for 2017/18 can be downloaded below.

GWPC Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017-18

GWPC Making provision for the exercise of public rights 2017-18

Financial Regulations – Financial Regulations govern the conduct of the financial transactions of the Council.  The Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) for Great Wilbraham  is the Clerk to the Council, Sam Chambers Turner, who under the direction of the Finance Committee, shall be responsible for the proper administration of the Council’s financial affairs.  The Parish Council’s Financial Regulations are reviewed annually at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, a copy of the current regulations are available below: 

GWPC Financial Regulations 2022.pdf