In October 2021, the Great Wilbraham Parish Council applied for Local Highways Improvement funding to introduce buffer zones on the three entrances to the village. The buffer zones to be introduced are on Mill road, The Lanes and Station Road. The intention of these buffer zones is to slow down traffic before it enters the village.
The LHI application was prepared by the Transport Working Group (TWG), a volunteer group in the village, and supported by the parish council. The TWG also presented the proposal to highways and we are pleased that our application was approved for funding.
The location of buffer zones and gates is shown on the map. There will also be 2 posts that are erected to affix speed measuring devices. The location of these posts shall be determined in due course.
Any questions regarding this activity should be addressed to:
Sam Chambers-Turner (GWPC clerk) clerkgw@wilbrahams.co.uk
Sam Dhaliwal gwcllr.dhaliwal@wilbrahams.co.uk
Chris Page gwcllr.page@wilbrahams.co.uk
Hilary Burton (Chair, GWPC) gwcllr.burton@wilbrahams.co.uk
January 2023 update
The LHI process is now progressing to the next stage of official communications from the Cambridgeshire County Council. Some of you may have received a letter by post and there is also an electronic version of this communication. Please view the complete document here to understand the proposal and provide any feedback and comments.
November 2022 update
The plan has been approved by the Great Wilbraham Parish Council and it has been posted on the village website for comments from residents. It is expected that highways will begin the process of planning and construction soon. More details shall be posted as they become available.
Click here to read the posted update on progress with implementation.