Great Wilbraham Transport Working Group (TWG)

Image of lorry turning into High Street from Mill Road

The aim of the Transport Working Group is to minimise the impact of Heavy Goods Vehicles on our lives in Great Wilbraham, and to improve the safety of village residents on our roads.

If you would like to help TWG or if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact TWG at

Keep up-to-date with our activity by viewing the links below.








December 2023 Update

Mobile Vehicle Activated Signs (MAS) report

July 2023 Update

Results from the MVAS Unit

October Update

Bollards by the school

August Update

Potholes in Temple End

Results of the TWG Survey distributed to all occupied households in Great Wilbraham between 5 and 10 July 2022

Survey of residents, July 2022 Results

Survey of residents, July 2022 Comments

June Update

Local Highways Improvement (LHI)

April Update

Local Highways Improvement (LHI)

March Update

GW Transport Working Group Public Meeting 22 March, 7.30 pm at the Memorial Hall

March Newsletter

February Update

Worra lorra lorries! 10/02/22

Highway Code changes

Local Highways Improvement (LHI) application 06/02/22


Report potholes here

January Update

Local Highways Improvement (LHI) Application

Banners and Bollards 18/01/22

Christmas greeting from TWG

A Christmas song

Residents update 

End of year update 3/12/21

 20’s Plenty

Campaign update  1/12/21

Sugar Beet Lorries

The season is short 30/11/21

Sign Post Erected

Success 11/11/21

20 MPH Limit in Great Wilbraham update

Room for optimism – read more here 10/11/21

Damaged Signpost on Mill Road

Reported to our Councillor and to Highways 8/11/21.

Update on the broken road bend sign at Herring’s House Bridge 

Well done to the Highways Department 21/10/21

Accident on Station Road

Read more about the incident in the week ending 17/10/21 and TWG’s actions here.

New Local Highways Improvement (LHI) application filed

TWG prepared an LHI application on behalf of the Parish Council and it was filed by the Parish Clerk on 14 October 2021.

New Road Signs at Herring’s House Bridge

Have you noticed the new road signs at Herring’s House bridge?

Residents’ survey September 2021

In September, TWG undertook a second survey of all households in the village. The survey was in the form a questionnaire asking whether residents supported various measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of traffic, particularly HGVs, on the village.

Transport Working Group second survey report

Great Wilbraham Transport Working Group Residents’ Survey responses

Report to the Parish Council September 16, 2021

Read the TWG Report to the Parish Council

Help reduce speed in the Wilbrahams

The Transport Working Group (TWG) is involved with the regional,  and national campaigns for 20’s Plenty and seeking a 20mph speed limit for the Wilbrahams.

Read about 20’s Plenty in the Wilbrahams.

Residents’ survey of HGVs June 2021

The Transport Working Group undertook its first survey of village residents in June 2021. 

Great Wilbraham Transport Working Group Residents’ Survey responses