Polar Climate: the long and the short of it – Dr Robert Mulvanney

16th October 2023 @ 7:30 pm
Wilbrahams' Memorial Hall (main hall)
Angle End
Great Wilbraham
Wilbrahams' Environment Group (WEG)
01223 882371
Image of polar bears on ice with text over
Click on the image to download the poster

New Series of WEG Open Evenings starting in October! We will be presenting a number of events this
winter on topics such as Climate Change, Biodiversity, Healthy Living. The first will be on Monday 16th
October at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall: Robert Mulvanney of British Antarctic Survey will talk on
“Climate: the long and the short of it” drawing on his recent field work and explaining what is
happening to our World now. He is a great speaker: his previous illustrated talk to us was riveting –
and alarming – don’t miss this one!